Z. Senane, L. Cao, V. L. Buchner, Y. Tashiro, L. You, P. Herman, M. Nordahl, R. Tu, and V. Ehrenheim, "Self-Supervised Learning of Time Series Representation via Diffusion Process and Imputation-Interpolation-Forecasting Mask", accepted in Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) 2024. [arXiv] [code]
L. You and H. V. Cheng, "Sparse Entropic Wasserstein Regression for Robust Network Pruning", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024. [arXiv] [code]
Y. Zhou, L. Lei, X. Zhao, L. You, Y. Sun, and S. Chatzinotas, "Decomposition and Meta-DRL based Multi-Objective Optimization for Asynchronous Federated Learning in 6G-Satellite Systems", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted. [link]
Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, L. You, and D. Yuan, "Learn to Stay Cool: Online Load Management for Passively Cooled Base Stations", IEEE WCNC 2024, accepted. [link]
Y. Zhou, X. Zhao, X. Liu, L. You, and L. Lei, "Efficient Federated Learning in Wireless Communication Systems: A Multi-Objective Optimization Perspective", IEEE ICCC 2023. [link]
Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, T. Deng, L. You, and D. Yuan, "Less Carbon Footprint in Edge Computing by Joint Task Offloading and Energy Sharing", IEEE Networking Letters, in press. [arXiv]
L. You. “Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization With Causal Inference for Latent Interference Estimation”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023. [link] [code]
T. Deng, L. You, Z. Yu, and D. Yuan, "Optimal Task Allocation for Battery-Assisted and Price-Aware Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE Networking Letters, in press. [link] [code]
Y. Zhao, D. Yuan, and L. You. “Delivering more to cell edge via joint multi-cell non-orthogonal multiple access and traffic offloading”. IET Networks, vol.10, no.6, 2021. [link]
L. You and D. Yuan. “A note on decoding order in user grouping and power optimization for multi-cell NOMA with load coupling”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.20, no.1, 2021. [arXiv] [code]
Z. Yu, L. You, and D. Yuan, “Leveraging Multi-Cell NOMA for Cell Edge”. IEEE ANTS 2020.
L. You and D. Yuan. “User-centric performance optimization with remote radio head cooperation in C-RAN”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.19, no.1, 2019. [arXiv]
L. Lei, L. You, Y. Yang, D. Yuan, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten, “Load coupling and energy optimization in multi-cell and multi-carrier NOMA networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68, no.11, 2019.
L. Lei, L. You, Q. He, T. X. Vu, S. Chatzinotas, D. Yuan, and B. Ottersten, “Learning-assisted optimization for energy-efficient scheduling in deadline-aware NOMA systems”. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol.3, no.3, 2019.
L. Lei, T. X. Vu, L. You, S. Fowler, and D. Yuan. “Efficient minimum-energy scheduling with machine-learning based predictions for multiuser MISO systems”. IEEE International Conference on Communications 2018.
B. Chen, L. You, D. Yuan, N. Pappas, and J. Zhang, “Resource optimization for joint LWA and LTE-U in load-coupled and multi-cell networks”. IEEE Communications Letters, vol.23, no.2, 2018.
L. You, D. Yuan, L. Lei, S. Sun, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten. “Resource optimization with load coupling in multi-cell NOMA”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.17, no.7, 2018. [arXiv] [code]
L. You, Q. Liao, N. Pappas, and D. Yuan. “Resource Optimization with Flexible Numerology and Frame Structure for Heterogeneous Services”. IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, 2018. [arXiv] [code]
T. Deng, L. You, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. “Device caching for network offloading: Delay minimization with presence of user mobility”. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters vol.7, no.4, 2018.
L. You, and D. Yuan, “Joint CoMP-cell selection and resource allocation in fronthaul-constrained C-RAN”. IEEE WiOpt Workshop 2017. [arXiv]
L. You, L. Lei, D. Yuan, S. Sun, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten, “A framework for optimizing multi-cell NOMA: Delivering demand with less resource”. IEEE GLOBECOM 2017. [arXiv]
L. Lei, L. You, G. Dai, T. X. Vu, D. Yuan, and S. Chatzinotas, “A deep learning approach for optimizing content delivering in cache-enabled HetNet”. IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2017.
L. You and D. Yuan. “Load optimization with user association in cooperative and load-coupled LTE networks”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.16, no.5, 2017. [arXiv]
L. You, L. Lei, and D. Yuan, “Optimizing power and user association for energy saving in load-coupled cooperative LTE”. IEEE ICC 2016. [arXiv]
L. You, D. Yuan, N. Pappas, and P. Värbrand. “Energy-aware wireless relay selection in load-coupled OFDMA cellular networks”. IEEE Communications Letters, vol.21, no.1, 2016. [arXiv]
L. You, L. Lei, and D. Yuan, “Load balancing via joint transmission in heterogeneous LTE: Modeling and computation”. IEEE PIMRC 2015. [arXiv]
L. You, J. Li, C. Wei, and C. Dai, “A one-hop information based geographic routing protocol for delay tolerant MANETs”, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol.20, no.2, 2015. [arXiv]
L. You, J. Li, C. Wei, and L. Hu, “MPAR: A movement pattern-aware optimal routing for social delay tolerant networks”, Ad Hoc Networks, vol.24, 2015. [arXiv]
L. You, L. Lei, and D. Yuan. “Range assignment for power optimization in load-coupled heterogeneous networks”. IEEE ICCS 2014. [arXiv]
L. You, L. Lei, and D. Yuan, “A performance study of energy minimization for interleaved and localized FDMA”. IEEE CAMAD 2014. [arXiv]
J. Xu, J. Li, L. You, and C. Dai, “Dynamic groups based adaptive DTN routing algorithms in social networks”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol.10, no.4, 2014.
L. You, J. Li, C. Wei, C. Dai, and J. Xu, “A general and specific utility-based adaptive routing for delay tolerant networks”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol.10, no.1, 2014.
L. You, J. Li, C. Wei, C. Dai, J. Xu, and L. Hu, “A hop count based heuristic routing protocol for mobile delay tolerant networks”. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.